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Project: Master Strategic Plans for Chicago Industrial Corridors - Chicago, IL


Sonoc Architects produced 5-year Master Strategic Plans for four of 22 Chicago Industrial Corridors (Calumet, North River, Burnside, and Kinzie Street Industrial Corridors). Each plan represents the active participation of the local companies
and community organizations in each industrial corridor. The Strategic Plan goals, in each case, included safe, accessible, competitive, marketable, manageable and attractive Industrial Corridors.

Sonoc Architects as lead planner and architect, hosted community meetings, analyzed existing conditions, and developed overall and site-specific design concepts that addressed the issues identified throughout the planning process. These improvements included public infrastructure changes (streets, intersection, bridge, and viaducts), corridor identification (signs, gateways, landscaping), noise abatement and open space enhancements. Also, included were the identification of development opportunities, TIF district designations, job training and job placement opportunities.

Client: City of Chicago - Department of Planning
Date: 1996


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