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"Mall May Join North River...," Inside, June, 1997

"Honk If You Like This Proposal," Crain's Chicago Business, March, 1997

"Architect Aims to Improve Quality of Life Through Designs," Skyline, August, 1995

"Manufacturing Design...," Architectural Record, April, 1995

"Put on a Happy Face," Chicago Tribune, April, 1995

"Cities Devise New Strategies...," Metropolis, March, 1995

"Firm's Dressed-Up Campus is Grounds for Accolades," Chicago Tribune, March, 1995

"A Vision for the Future," Daily Southtown, January 1995

WBEZ - National Public Radio Interview, "A. Finkl & Sons Co., Urban Industrial Campus," 1995

Chicagoland Building Congress, 1st Place Award, "Industrial Campus Renovation," 1995

City of Chicago, "Local Industrial Retention Initiative," Seminar Panelist, 1995

"Factory Dresses Up Blue Collar Look," Chicago Sun-Times, October, 1994

City of Chicago Model Industrial Corridors Planning Committee, 1994

"Chicago Visions," Chicago Architecture, Vol.7, pub. by the American Institute of Architects, 1990

"New Chicago Library" Exhibition, Graham Foundation for the Arts, Chicago, 1988

"Oak Park Townhouse Competition," Village of Oak Park, Illinois, 1986

"New Design for Chicago Living," Chicago Tribune, April 19, 1979

"Bright New Changes are Enrolling at IIT," Chicago Tribune, November 11, 1978

Champion International "National Imagination Recipient," 1976 (1/10 U.S. recipients)

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